Health Administration Center, Gifu University

Issuance of Health Certificates

Issuance of Health Certificates

When needed for work or training, health certificates will be issued free of charge by the Health Administration Center to students on the basis of the results of their annual health checkup.

A health certificate will not be issued if the student did not undergo the annual health checkup; therefore, please ensure that you undergo your annual health checkup.


When and where can I get a health certificate?
Issuance opening dates are listed in the information of the Health Administration Center. The certificates can be obtained from issuing machines located on the first floor of the University Hall (8:30 am–7:00 pm) in the Educational Affairs Department of Central Administration Bldg (8:30 am–5:15 pm) and on the second floor of the benefit package center of Medical Department Bldg (8:30 am–7:00 pm). Health certificates are issued free of charge by the university.
Why didnft the issuing machine issue me a health certificate?
The issuing machines will not issue health certificates if you did not complete additional tests, or if anything concerning your health examination data requires verification. If this occurs, please visit the Health Administration Center.
Blood tests are required by my application cite of certificate. Will the Health Administration Center complete the information for me?
The Health Administration Center cannot fill in any items not covered in health examinations at the university. Please visit a hospital/clinic. The health certificates released by the Health Administration Center only contain health examination results from the current year.
If I get blood tests done at a hospital and show the results to the Health Administration Center, will the center combine the data from these tests and the annual health checkups for me?
No. A health certificate is an official document in which a physician testifies to the results obtained from tests and examinations performed at a single time and place. The Health Administration Center cannot issue health certificates that combine results from university health examinations and results from examinations performed by other institutions.
Health Administration Center, Gifu University
1-1 Yanagido, Gifu 501-1193, Japan
Phone: +81-58-293-2174   FAX: +81-58-293-2177   E-mail: